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Childcare Centre Sustainability Award

Friday, 22/06/2018 Posted by: Marketing

One of the Northpine Childcare Centre’s goals for the last five years has been to concentrate on sustainability. Thank you to Mrs Louise. She has done an amazing job teaching the children about recycling (water, paper, food scraps), composting, about different plants & caring for them, and most importantly, how the children can do their part for the environment.

On Thursday night 7 June the Centre was presented with a waste production certificate by Councillor Denise Sims. The Centre is now diverting 69% of its total recyclable waste stream to recycling.

The children are learning where they put different waste, and are becoming very good at it. They are becoming ‘ENVIROMENTAL SUPERHEROS’. Mrs Louise has also written a song about their amazing work, such as turning off taps and lights, and it was sung on the night to demonstrate how it helps the children learn.