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Challenge – TNS – Feeling God’s Presence

Wednesday, 08/08/2018 Posted by: Marketing

Students from Northpine Christian College take part in a year-long wellbeing program called Challenge – The Next Step. The program aims to foster the development of Resilience, Respect and Responsibility through the practical and life changing classes and events throughout the year. It is a specific year to focus on the development of our children in their pathway towards adulthood to make sure they are guided physically, mentally, socially and most importantly spiritually. As part of this program they undertake a “Survival Camp” where teams are put into challenging situations to allow the development of hands on problem solving skills in the great outdoors. At the end of the camp the focus shifts to allow for deep reflection on the learning that has happened at the camp and to consider who they are as young men and women as well as who they want to become. This extended solo period also allows for students to be in solitude and silence so that their minds might be clear in order to be able to pray, hear God and feel His presence. May you also be blessed by this Year 9 student’s reflection during their solo time:

“In starting to write this I woke up from a little nap and looked around. Then looked back on the book and a small gust of wind blew it open to this page. I stared at it for a good ten minutes before picking up the pencil. Right now I can see beautiful mountains and valleys on the other side of the lake. I can see a campsite in which my fellow classmates and I have been sleeping. I can see a cloudless blue sky with a small bright dot. But the thing that I picked up on the most was the two birds huddling together on the ground near me. I was confused. I am confused with a lot of things still. But I’m now clear on one thing, GOD is REAL! I can see Him in the water, I can see Him in the clouds, I can see Him on the mountains, I can see Him in the sky and in the sun (even though it hurts). Most of all I can see God in the two birds. I was talking to God earlier and asked: God I’ve never really talked to you before but I really want to know if you are there? Give me something to see so I know you are there. I opened my eyes and guess what I saw? GOD! In his true form! Valleys, hills, plains, lakes, skies, oceans, seas. Beauty in the marvel of creation! I would sketch the birds below but they flew away after seeing me. Instead I will draw the mountains. You teachers throw one heck of a camp!”

Year 9 Student wishing to remain anonymous