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Primary STORMForce Happy Box Project

Tuesday, 23/03/2021 Posted by: Tammy Howse

This term students and staff at Northpine Christian College were invited to bring in toiletries and beauty products to put together ‘Happy Boxes’ for women in remote Australian communities.  An empty ‘Happy Box’ was placed in each of the Primary Classrooms.

Happy Boxes provide access to essential and luxury items for women who may otherwise go without, spreading kindness and happiness. This small gesture may provide comfort to a woman at a refuge centre or land in the hands of a mum juggling a busy family life. Our Happy Boxes can make their day, lighten their load and perhaps give them the energy to chase a new dream.

During our Chapel program each of the Primary classrooms brought their ‘Happy Boxes’ up onto the stage, ready to be delivered to the ‘Happy Box’ organisation.

STORMForce is a primary school service program run by Northpine Christian College. It introduces young children to service and helps to prepare them for more intensive service opportunities provided through STORMCO in secondary school. Its philosophy is to serve others with no expectations and through doing so, share a little of God’s love with the community.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:1

Mrs Kylie Tiller – Year 5 Teacher / Junior School Coordinator

Our Prep A Class with their ‘Happy Box’ ready for delivery!